The Garden of Delight
My life and work are dedicated to Healing & Connection. As clear and simple as that is, it is also true that, in the past couple of years, these themes have been unfolding in ways that are surprising not only to others, but also to myself.
A wildflower seed mix growing into a lush garden.
So, in this Blog you will find articles that connect Stars and Soil, Healing and Leadership, themes that touch both Body and Brain or explore the magic of the Tarot, Shamanism, Energy and Emotion.
So please, dear reader, explore The Garden of Delight …. Pick a topic, taste a post, take a stroll, or dig deep. Enjoy!

Tarot: The EMPRESS
Oh yes! In almost any reading, the sight of the Empress has questioners' eyes shine bright. No wonder! The powerful Empress represents beautiful and most desirable qualities such as abundance, lust, love, success, vitality, health, fertility, happiness and creativity. All of them in truly superhuman portions.
However, as with all major arcana, the path to these gifts holds real challenges. We must remember that the tarot is never about simply taking the gift, but rather about internalizing and embodying essential qualities.

Tarot: DEATH
Let's be honest, my dear: Death is definitely one of those cards that makes us think: “Oh let’s reshuffle.” The sight of it can give us a queasy feeling or even scare us a little: “Is this the end?” No, that's a big misunderstanding. This card is not about your end. In fact, in the Tarot Death is the card that, more than any other, leads you into the FUTURE and into the CORE of your LIFE. So, take a death-defying attitude and read this post!

Der TOD im Tarot
Hand aufs Herz, my dear: Der Tod ist eine dieser Karten, bei denen wir denken “Oh, vielleicht nochmal neu mischen.“ Ihr Anblick kann in uns ein mulmiges Gefühl wecken oder uns sogar einen kleinen Schrecken einjagen: „Is this the end?“ Klares Nein! Tatsächlich ist der Tod im Tarot eine Karte, die dich mehr als jede andere in die ZUKUNFT und in den KERN deiner LEBENDIGKEIT führt. Also, mach einen todesmutigen Klick und les den Post zu diesem wirklich magischen Arkanum…

Oh ja! In einer Legung erzeugt der Anblick der Herrscherin leuchtende Augen. Kein Wunder! Sie repräsentiert wunderschöne Qualitäten wie Fülle, Lust, Liebe, Erfolg, Lebendigkeit, Gesundheit, Fruchtbarkeit, Glück und Kreativität. Und zwar in wahrhaft übermenschlichen Portionen.
Aber Achtung! Wir sollten uns daran erinnern, dass es im Tarot nie darum geht, plump abzusahnen, sondern vielmehr darum, essenzielle Qualitäten zu verinnerlichen und zu verkörpern. Wie das geht, liest Du in diesem Post!

On Shame
There is a primal scene that I go through again and again. A little play in three acts that begins and ends with shame. It happens whenever I introduce myself in the academic context. Over the years I’ve tried countless “Intro’s” to summarize my sinuous path and explain my expertise and interest in a poignant way.

Der MOND im Tarot
Oh Luna! Als Astrologin und Tarotlogin bin ich dem MOND schon hundertmal begegnet. Habe ich deswegen das Gefühl, dass ich ihn vollständig begreifen oder verstehen kann? Nein. Der MOND ist schwer fassbar, geheimnisvoll und wandelbar und zeigt sich mir immer wieder mit einem neuen Gesicht und in neuen Bedeutungsaspekten. Bei aller Betrachtung bleibt LUNA eine zutiefst psychologische Tarot-Karte und eine alte, stets rätselhafte Freundin.

Tarot: The MOON
In the Tarot the MOON ranks among the highest of the Major Arcana holding the number XVIII. As we move towards the completion of a cycle in THE WORLD XXI, we must cross the gloomier territories of the Soul. The card depicts a crescent moon with the face of an elderly woman that is looking to the left, the direction that – in the classical western arts – indicates the Past. Herein already lies the MOON’s core message: “To grow further, you need to look at your past.”

Tarot: The Fool // Innovation
This is the beginning. The FOOL is the first card of the Major Arcana, the 22 trump cards that complement the Minor Arcana, which we all know from the standard card decks with their four French suits of clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. Under the name of the JOKER the FOOL made its way into many modern card games. It is the most agile, adaptable, and also disruptive card. The multicolored misfit fits in everywhere and can change your game in very unforeseen ways.
Nerd, Buff, Freak… or Genius? Read and see…

Thinking Circle
Es beginnt alles mit einer Idee.

Tarot: The SUN // Identity
The SUN is a welcome sight and an auspicious sign in any spread. It speaks of Identity, Visibility, New Beginnings, Realization, Success, or Joy. In western Astrology the sun is the marker of our Self, our purpose, our genuine life force, and the source of our vitality.
Does this sound like a reason to celebrate? Definitively! And yet it’s well worth it to dig a little deeper here. For today, the SUN ranks among the most underestimated and oversimplified symbol in the Tarot. We’ll see that brilliant highlights and deep shadows are inseparably interwoven in the SUN…

Tarot: The Priestess // Intuition & Intelligence
Pssst! Lower your voice. Take a deep breath. The HIGH PRIESTESS is welcoming you to her Sanctuary. Get yourself ready to turn inward, to listen to your INTUITION, and realign with your highest PURPOSE…